The left has long accused the right of being compassionless hate mongers. It’s one of the more common liberal mantras; a staple in their cupboard of ‘talking points’ that poison the political spectrum. The way the left spins the truth about the right is deception at its “spinning” finest. It’s no wonder there’s so much confusion about the truth in politics. Looking at conservatives through liberal colored glasses is a complete distortion.
- Conservatives with a passionate opposition to the radical policies of the Obama Administration, are irrelevantly labeled as hateful racists, forgetting that the President is also half white, and further, conservatives could care less either way – race has long time been a non-issue for them.
- All strong disagreement with liberal ideology, even on the faces of smiling Tea Party participants, is considered extremism and angry hate.
- Conservatives attend Town Halls to make it clear that they oppose the Health Care Bill which Congress insists on forcing down their throats anyway, and they are called a hateful, angry mob.
- Because conservatives don’t show compassion in the same “way” that liberals do, they say that conservatives are hateful, having no compassion at all.
Why are those on the left permitted to do and say things that are appalling and outrageous but would otherwise destroy anyone on the right? In a liberal world, what is good for the goose is definitely not good for the gander. The now famous, recent “misspoken statement” from Senator and Majority Leader Harry Reid is a great example, the one where Reid referred to Obama as “light-skinned” and with “no negro dialect.” The judgment of liberals is, for Harry – forgiveness; for a Republican – not so much.
Obama said, “As far as I am concerned, the book is closed.” The ever vociferous Al Sharpton, who calls out every perceived instance of racism he can find on the right, also gives Reid a pass, excusing Reid’s poor “word selection” and redirecting the issue back to his work on Obama Care. Clearly, Sharpton exposed his own hypocrisy, only caring about racism when it serves the left and their socialist agenda. That agenda comes first; it is far more important. Any threat to it must be shot down, even if it means swallowing racist crow in the form of “forgiveness.” Even Senator Diane Feinstein stands behind Reid, stating that “all of us are imperfect.” That is, if you are standing on the left.
As for anyone on the right, we need only look back 2 months to October 2009 at the renewed outrage at Rush Limbaugh for a 2003 comment he made about Donavon McNabb while working at ESPN. For weeks, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and others relentlessly beat this dead horse, crying “racism” with such moral indignation. As a result, Rush was disqualified from the opportunity to become partial owner of the Rams.
Then of course, in 2002, former Mississippi Senator and Senate Majority Leader, Trent Lott, made his own statement. The ensuing relentless outrage resulted in Lott resigning from his leadership post. The ever forgiving then-Senator Obama helped lead the charge in calling for the Republican Party to “drive out Trent Lott.”
Those who are normally outraged by a comment like Harry Reid’s, say, if it came from someone like Glenn Beck, are now shamefully not so outraged at all. They held more contempt over the frivolity of Sarah Palin’s wardrobe during the 2008 Presidential campaign! It is like Whoopie Goldberg saying that Roman Polanski wasn’t guilty of “rape, rape.” I guess Reid’s comment isn’t really racist, racist – because he is on the left. Such hypocrisy is infuriating because it masks the truth that real hate comes from the left. .
Every once in a while, we’re provided a perfect teachable opportunity as was the case during the recent health scare of Rush Limbaugh, in which they expose the truth about themselves in full and proud abandon. Shameful and beneath any American is the flood of shocking and appalling hate displayed in online commentary, praying for his demise, not fifteen minutes after it was reported that he was taken to the hospital in serious condition. It’s one thing to hate someone; however, it has gone too far when that hate spurns prayers for the death of another, and with such brazen arrogance and glee, it is disgusting and breathtaking.
As usual, I saw no compassion from a left that hails themselves as the ‘people of compassion.’ I saw more hypocrisy from the left who railed, in hyperbolic outrage, against anyone on the right who didn’t grieve with them over the loss of Senator Ted Kennedy. Reading their hateful dribble made me wonder if they graduated from the “Alan Grayson School of the Shameful and Ignorant.”
Where are Nancy Pelosi’s crocodile tears? Where’s her heart wrenching concern now, for “this kind of rhetoric” – the kind that creates a climate in which violence takes place (from the left might I remind her)? Where is the co-called “non-partisan” outrage at such behavior, that only otherwise screams from every biased media outlet when a clever, home-made TEA Party sign disagrees with the Obama Administration? Why are they not being called out on their legitimate hate behavior and language?
The truth is that no matter how passionate the opposition to President Obama’s radical policies, no matter how fervently conservatives want Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid out of Office, and no matter how angry they are about being ignored by Congress and the Obama Administration, no true conservative would ever, ever wish the harm or death of any of them! It is unconscionable to think it let alone to say it, even in jest.
For those who constantly talk about restoring our best values, I dare say, they need to take a good look in the mirror and then stand in line first for that handout. Those whose hate would wish another person to die desperately need a reality check as they are reprobate and half dead themselves. The accusation of conservatives being hateful is really a projection of the misery and hate within their hearts. For all of their proudly displayed hateful death prayers, they need our humble prayers for life so much more. Their political double standard is blatantly obvious. Indeed, in the recent displays of political games, the liberal left is once again showing their true colors - embarrassing shades of hypocrite and hate.
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